Thursday, May 16, 2013

Conventional Business, or Strippin' Ain't Easy

So there are two comic book shows going on this weekend, and sadly I will not be at either of them.
The first is Anime Central (or ACEN) in Rosemont, Illinois. I've done this show for the past couple years, and I've always had a good time and met quite a few cool people, My stuff isn't really "Anime", but despite that they've been nice enough to give me a table. Unfortunately, my sales at this show haven't been enough to justify going again this year. I'm hoping to have book two out by next year, so maybe I'll give it another go then, but not right now.

The other show this weekend is Motor City Comic Con in Novi, MI. I've never had a table at this show, but I've attended it often and was kind of looking forward to going this year due to some of the celebrity guests, but I'm thinking now that I may skip it. I don't really have a ton of free funds at the moment and I have many a thing I should get done at home (not the least of which is getting a new strip posted, but more on that in a moment). Again, by next year, I'm hoping to have the second collection of Wombat strips published, and at that time, I'm thinking I may have to invest in doing a couple of larger comic conventions.

I'm still planning to do Detroit Fanfare in October. It was the first show I ever bought a table at and the prices are super reasonable. Also it's a lot of fun and I've made several connections at that show, so there's no reason not to do that one. I'll keep going to that one as long as they'll have me back. I'm also still waiting to hear back about the Grand Rapids Comic Convention. It's the first year for that show, and a couple of things have me nervious about wether or not it will be worth my time, but I'm willing to give it a shot. It's a one day show, so worst case, I waste a perfectly good Saturday, best case I get in on the ground floor of a new, local show.

As for the strip. It's not dead. I wish I could say there's a major reason there hasn't been an update lately, but sadly, no. I just need to get off my lazy butt and produce. It doens't always come easy (I'd say it mostly doens't come easy), so the natural inclination is to just not do it, but I need to get past that. I've been trying to spend any and all free time I have drawing, even if it's not the strip...but then I feel guilty for drawing something that's not the next strip and I stop doing that as well. I have a strip half penciled as I type this and I'm hoping to get the pencils done tonight. Either way, I'm thinking that I can use Star Trek this weekend as good goal for getting the strip done (I won't allow myself to see it until the new strip is posted). That also means I have to avoid the internet as I've already seen people talking about it online.

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