It's been a while since I've posted, but I've got a few things going on, so I thought I should do a post. First off, I've added the Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo (also known as C2E2) to my list of appearances. Though I won't be there selling or showing any of my own work. My "professional" registration was excepted (it's always nice when the industry itself recognizes your contributions) so I've received my weekend pass to attend as an attendee. As much as I'd like to have one there, tables at C2E2 are a little out of my price range based on sales from other conventions I attend. Maybe after Wombat Vol. 2 comes out (if I keep to my new schedule, that will hopefully be early next year, more on that in a minute), I can justify it, but I just can't right now. However, if you know your going to be attending the show and would like to pick up a copy of Wombat, or commission me for any other work, contact me and I'm sure we can work out some sort of meeting time/place at the show to do such a transaction.
There's also going to be a new show in Grand Rapids in October called the Grand Rapids Comic-Con. I have applied for a table at that one, but as of this posting, have not yet heard back either way. I'll keep you updated on how that goes. Even if I don't get a table, though, I'll likely attend this show as well as it's good to help support a new show, especially one so close to home. If this happens, again, I'm sure we can work out a meeting time/place at the show if you'd like to get anything from me.
As for Wombat, I know that over the past year or so I've been kind of hit or miss (mostly miss) on posting a strip a week. Sometimes it seemed I was lucky if I posted a strip a month. I assure you, it's not from lack of desire to get a strip up...if anything I'd say a lack of will/free time. But I think I've found a way to get myself back into a groove. I've done two weeks in a row now, and I'm well on my way to hitting week three on time, so that's a good thing. I've even got a couple ideas for story lines past my current one. If all goes as planned and I'm able to keep on a schedule this year (even if I miss 1 or 2 weeks), I figure I should have enough strips completed by the end of the year to put out a second print volume.
Also in the works, a redesign of the Wombat Comic website. I feel I had learned quite a bit about coding in HTML while making and I've gotten even more practice lately thanks to being put in charge of redesigning the website that's a project that I probably shouldn't go into detail about right at this moment...but anyway. I've got a design mapped out that I like for the Wombat and the coding shouldn't be TOO difficult (actually, it'd probably be child's play for an actual professional, but being that I'm kinda learning this stuff as I go, I'm fairly proud of myself for what I'm able to do). After that goes live, I'll likely turn my attention back to and see what improvements I can make here.
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