Sunday, September 16, 2012

Be Gentle...It's My First Time.

My first blog post...yes.

Well, ok, technically this isn't my first blog post. I've been quasi-bloging for the past three to five years in the form of a web-comic ( sorry, I'm a self promo whore, you'll learn that about me). No, what I mean when I say my first blog post is that this is my first post on my new Blogger page, which I've started in hopes of connecting to my website (different website, Hmmm...perhaps I should go back (queue the "How I Met Your Mother" wait, I hate that show).

I started posting my web-comic in 2006 (which technically makes the strip six years old now, though I've missed a week here and there...and there...bringing the number of strips currently in my stable just over enough for four full years of weekly strips). I first posted the strip, along with a short commentary to my MySpace page. Yes, I, like everyone else in 2006 had a MySpace page. Tough even then, when it was still considered "cool" to be on MySpace, I always felt a level of shame when someone would ask for my URL and I'd have to reply So, I eventually registered my own domain and started up

After some time I decided it to be a good idea to have a separate site, one where I could highlight my artistic endeavors beyond the web-comic. So, I registered I quickly coded up a "coming soon" front page and there the site has sat for...well...probably a year or two now, as it likely still would, if not for...

I've recently been made aware of upcoming changes to my employment (that I probably shouldn't go into at this time). This has prompted me to get off my but and get this site up and working. I'm hoping that it can, at best, help me obtain work in the field of my choosing (illustration and/or graphic design which what I went to school for) or, at least, get help get me some free lance work from time to time to supplement my current income.

So, that's where we are at the moment. I'm hitting a sharp learning curve and getting the new site all prettied up and am just starting to work on the functionality side of it, including this blog (which you're hopefully reading on my website, not through blogger. When I get this completed and up and rolling, I'm hoping I can use what I've learned here to improve the wombat site.

Anyway, I think that's enough for now. 


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